Private Schools
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Japanese Version
For Kids

     We call private schools "Juku" in Japanese. There are various students who need various education. Some fit with school education and don't want or need to go to cram schools. But far more people don't fit with the school education very much, most of them go to private schools or invite tutors. Let's think about private schools in Japan.
     We can say that there are 4 kinds of private schools. One is cram schools. They are for students who is smart enough to aim for going on to universities or high level high schools. They prepare for the classes, and for the entrance examination. The level of their classes are high. For the people who fits with their education, cram schools are good for their achievement. But for the people who don't, they are too difficult and of no use. Second is the supplementary private schools. People who cannot understand their school classes well and who wants to be good at the exams go to these schools. Third is salvation private schools. People who are going to be drop out go and privent himself from dropping out. If a student in those schools are in high shools, he studies not only Jr. high shcool's math but also elementary school's arithmetics. The last one is synthesis private schools. Thet are usually chane system, and provide wide range of education for wide ramnge of students. 
     The salvation one and the review one is usually semi-private system. Other two are usually class-room system. 
     The problems of private schools are that they are for the purpose of getting some profit. Private high schools are getting some money from the government, but private schools are different. But for the fee from the students, private schools are to be bunkrupt. Some schools are very at home. There are a few teahcers. If the principal gets ill, how can they survive? They will go bunkrupt sooner or later.
     Chane private schools needs a lot of money to welcome new students. The alliance fee and fine are too high. The instablity is the one problem of private schools. 
     Think about a student who wakes up at 7 and goes to school, sleep during classes, eat jank food as supper and goes to private schools at 5, study late t night until 9 or 10 o' clock, do private school's home work and go to bed at 1 o7 clock. He must be ill. Some high shool students are living like this, some Jr. high school students are so. Even elementary school students are living like this. 
     The third problem is that it costs much to go to private schools. It is said that we need \5,000 to \10,000 an hour. If the fee is \6,000 an hour, and go to private school twice a week and study for two hours, how much do you think it will cost? We need \1,250,000 a year. If we continue this life from third grade to thirteenth grade, we need \12,500,000. The quality is not always worthwhile according to this cost.
     The last problem is that they puffed the wor of entrance examination up.
      Now that the MEXT approved the existance of private schools, private schools should avoid their problems. First of all, the most important thing in the education is school classes.
     We propose that students should consult their teacher whether to go or where to go. Next, we propose that private schools should not only teach the tools to go to university, but also the natural experience. They should be a community education center. Government may have to give some money to these community center. So, it's like charter schools, charter community center. They can be like free schools. It's our proposal.

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