
summary of July
    We started herb garden maintenance.
    We made the road which we could walk along.
We transplanted herbs and made parting strips between places.
    We changed so much in one month.
A work result of July

July 12, 2007
    We transplanted borage, sweet basil, and rose geranium which we sowed seeds before.
We were afraid that we failed. We were able to work somehow.
    I hope they will become big soon.
borage transplant
watering We transplanted them
July 16, 2007
We stopped observation for a while because a typhoon was approaching. Today we restarted after a long absence.
Though the herbs which we transplanted on 12th were safe, some rosemaries were dead. But several rosemaries were safe.
We hope the rosemary will grow up quickly and healthily.
(Yori Ogu Ban)
rosemary area rosemary which was left
rosemary which withered up cutting
July 19, 2007
We went to look at the state of the herb garden today.
Because it was in better condition than we thought, we were happy.
(Yori Ogu Ban)
state of the herb garden state of the herb garden
July 30, 2007
    It is a day we care for the herb garden today.
It was very hard work, because it was an activity in the afternoon, but we were able to finish it somehow.
    We have a lot of things to do. Next time we will work a lot more.
(Yori Ogu Ban)
the rose road
fence We put soil
Today's activity 1 Today's activity 2

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