Do not you hear about bicycles lately?
"Bicycles are useful for the environment and health, so actively use them."
"There are many problems such as accidents, dangerous driving, high security problems."
There are various voices like this.
Bicycles which is a familiar transportation means. Many people use it as a leg of life such as commuting, school shopping, shopping, raising children. Also, bicycles are often used by middle and high school students.
Recently the number of municipalities that use "bike that is friendly to both people and the environment" is increasing, and in 2017 the law to promote the use of bicycles was enforced.
However, the environment which use the bicycle is not comfortable.
Many people have experienced like these. Also, recently, serious accidents caused by young people such as "texting and driving" and the compensation problem are also serious social problems. Meanwhile, initiatives for shaping new bicycles, such as share cycles, have begun.
There are two contradictory ideas that promote the use of bicycles in consideration of merit and oppose the use of bicycles from accident and neglected bicycle countermeasures. We worked on problem solving to safely use the bicycle and created this site.
* The illustrations and movies on this page are original.