
  1. TOP>About Us

About production

Why did we make a website about ecological activities of Miyako Island? Our school trip was the beginning. Miyako Island is a small island between Taiwan and Okinawa. When we went to the school trip, we were surprised and inspired by the islanders' warmth and their strong feeling toward ecological activities. We wanted to share this with everyone in Japan and the world. This is why we made this website.
You may think "why ecological activities in Miyako Island?" But Miyako Island aims to become a sustainable island that people can live for many years. They are passionate about building low carbon society by using local resources. For example, Miyako Island released "Declaration of Eco Island Miyakojima" in the March of 2018. We studied, thought, and learned about the growing ecological activities of Miyako Island to make this website. When you read this website, we will be pleased if you are more interested in the ecological activities of Miyako Island.

Our team

A 顔Leader. Led the team at the end of the project. Good at both sports and studies. Sometimes fierce. Draw pictures well. Drew these portraits. Love history.
K 顔Good at math and computers. Responsible for programing of this website. Entertain people with unique ideas. Wearing funny glasses, we don't know that reason.
I 顔Passionate about eating. Very tall because he took a lot of calcium. He shows his love for food in the Food page. Love novels (crime, science fiction). Books are always in his pocket. Pacifist.
H 顔Love Disney or rather otaku. Very very smart, but don't like sports. Good friend of A and S. Cute. Love babies.
S 顔Kind and steady person. Good at Japanese, fast writer. Very very cute and sharp minded. But sometimes too easygoing, and she left tv remote controller in a fridge.

Activity record

Jul 9, 2018 Team formation

Team leader, program, sentence, Eng lish translation, etc. are determined.

Jul 17, 2018 A strategy meeting

The web was started with the theme of Miyako Island which I visited in A pril by the school training.The theme is "The attempt of Miyako Island whi ch aims at the fusion of science and nature.Allocate page Responsibilitie s.All photos will be taken and will be used.

Jul 19, 2018 Entry to Web contest

Jul 27, 2018 Start editing HTML

September 10, 2018 Complete the first version of the Web

Finish creating the Base index page. Each page person also finishes the d raft. Share with members to exchang e views. As soon as the sentences o n each page are determined, the con tents will be fitted.

〈September 12, 2018 start on the o ther pages. HTML creation work, cor rection, etc

October 29, 2018 complete the Ap plication for Web contest submissio n

November 12, 2018 complete the domain application for the Web cont est

Create HTML for all pages, including site map.

November 14, 2018 all photo imag es are reflected in HTML

November 18, 2018 meeting

Members have corrected and confir med the final data of the first screeni ng.

November 20, 2018 submission of Works

December 3, 2018 subscribe to Tw itter

Get "@ Miyako Island Eco" information on the Web site is started.

December 17, 2018 sign up for Google Search console

Register with Google Search console and create an XML file for search en gine protection.

December 18, 2018 selected as the top 50 and semi-finalists

Fix the page and start translating English.

December 21, 2018 it was introdu ced on the official website of Miyako Island City !

Each page person also finishes the d raft. Share with members to exchang e views. As soon as the sentences o n each page are determined, the con tents will be fitted.

I question about ecology in Miyakojima in the school for 27 days on December 26, 2018

I'll be thankful for everybody's cooperation of a teacher and a student

December 29, 2018 Meeting

All England language page is produced. An English translation of member all the members is reflected. I touch in documentary making, a figure and a picture about a secondary examination. Of a web access analysis, I save and register with Google analysis.