These days in Japan, there are many problems related to labor; one of the three obligation of a good citizen.

High school students - who have finished compulsory education and be able to work should think more about labor.

This site provides various information including laws and some new working styles. We hope that this site will be a good source of information to think about your future and everyone can work in a better working environment in the future.

Law Encyclopedia

In this section, we explain some important laws about labor clearly.

Labor Nowdays

We will consider how labor should be, based on the problems and systems related to labor in Japan.

Changes for the future

Nowdays, The workstyle is changeng due to technological development and globalization. We explain abour these "changes" in detail.

My Work Style

This contents contains the results of our questionnaire surveys and interviews, as well as observations based on the results of these efforts. We also suggest ways to improve the work environment and try to find many kinds of workstyles that suits each worker.

This site won platinum prize and Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry prize in the 22nd Japan Junior high school high school web contest (第22回全国中学高校Webコンテスト) .
This site was created by Keio Shonan Fujisawa Junior and Senior High School Computer Club.