
Look, look! The sunset really looks good! I took it on the roof with my friends yesterday.
I posted it on Instagram, but will it come a lot "Good"?


It's really beautiful!
Speaking of which, tapioca that Sumine posted on Instagram yesterday looked really delicious! The inside of the store was also cute!


Oh, that's ... I was really attracted to the cute cup and the shop, so I tried to buy it for instagram, but it wasn't quite right and I left half of it...


Half as well! ? Isn't it food loss ...?


Recently, some people take a picture of what they bought for "SNS shine", then eat a bite and throw it away!


That's because I buy it just for taking pictures rather than eating!?


Certainly, I also saw a lot of tapioca dumping almost as much as it sold during this time.
I can't say much about people, but it seemed like a waste...


Some shops have the concept of "Instagram", and I can't say in general, so I'm not denying the food industry supported by Instagram.!


However, I want you to take responsibility for the food after purchasing the product.
And I want to eat as much as possible!