
What is foul brood of honeybees?

(images and text are irrelevant. Those are just cute bees.)

Foul brood is a disease where bacteria infect larvae.If you eat food that contains a pathogen within two days of birth, you get sick. Bees, more than three days old, will not develop when they eat food that contains pathogens.If infected, the larvae die, and the bodies become infected with fear, and the process starts.Foul brood are designated as livestock communicable diseases, which require reporting to the livestock hygiene service center when diagnosed, and then incinerating (burning and killing all of them) the population.

Foul brood is divided into European and American foul brood .European infected larvae often die on the fourth and fifth days after birth, while dead maggots turn grey. European foul brood is not a relatively serious disease, and it can heal itself without human effort. But as it is not a serious disease, it tends to be prolonged.

U.S. foul brood is considered the most serious disease of bees. The dead larvae, with no cover on the beehive, are dumped outside, but once the beehive is covered, the dead bees get together.The worker bees try to carry the body out of the hive, but the body sticks to the hive and cannot be carried out. The bacteria can spread to worker bees that want to carry their carcasses out of hive, the foul brood spread.Another characteristic is that when a corpse of a bee infected with decaying maggots is pulled out of the beehive with a pint.


If you have an infection that you can only burn the hive to make sure that it will not spread to another hive.The most effective treatment for foul brood is to start early spring with a prescription of Apistan for bees. Put your medicine in the hive before spring or at the end of fall when the bees cannot gather honey.

European foul foul brood is not as highly contagious as we might think, and it can heal itself, as if we had a mild cold. It means, it is the best not to get infected.Proper sterilizing of the equipment for beekeeping is also effective against foul brood.

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