

It is what the bee took from medicinal herbs and processed them. It is also known in Japan as a health food.
This is also the substance that European bees paint their nests for keeping them clean and strengthening their nests. In addition, they are mummified in propolis to prevent them from rotting, which can’t be released (for example, large enemies that come in and workers who are caught in nets, etc.).

Japanese bees, by the way, don’t create propolis. Because they move to a new one when their nest is damaged.
Propolis is produced by Killer bees in South America it is not just the production of propolis, it is the production of propolis In Brazil. Brazil has the world's highest propolis production.

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久志冨士男 『ニホンミツバチが日本の農業を救う』 高文研、2009年
越中矢住子『ミツバチは本当に消えたか』 SoftBank Creative、2010年
4 一般社団法人 日本養蜂協会 ホームページhttp://www.beekeeping.or.jp/