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Gourmet course

Make a study tour of an ager factory

People can learn a lot of questions such as what is ager made from, how to make ager, and so on through panel displays and making a study tour of a factory at an ager factory and an ager gallery. We tried ager. Ager has a good texture and is low in calories, so it is delicious food.

here is a direct sales store which sells confectionery made use of ager and food chosen on Shinsyu and health. We recommend them as souveniors.

Why did making ager made from seaweed prosper in Nagano Prefecture, which is an inland...?

The Suwa region has large differences temperatures. In addition, it is blessed with beautiful water and air and has little precipitation and dry climate because of it is located at the foot of Mt. Yatsugatake. Therefore, this environment is suitable for making ager. Long ago, it had been done as a second job during the off-season on the farm in winter.

at an ager factory at an ager factory

in addiion ...

There are a lot of gourmets made use of local ingrediants such as eel food and delicious miso in this course. People also eat a lot of food such as bread and a crowuette at the Mitamachi shopping arcade.