Let's see the situation in the world and Japan
Globalization is progressing now.
Globalization means
that the connection
between countries and regions
deepens socially and economically.
Benefits of globalization

Productivity increases

It could solve economic problems

Technology and culture develops
Globalization × Education
Globalization and Education are inseparable!
As the number of foreigners migrating to Japan increases due to globalization, the number of international children receiving education increases as well. Currently, the Ministry of Education, is exploring Japanese-style responses and policy options, not only how to keep up with globalization, but also how to solve the problems of international children . The goal is to increase the choice of the policies. (Quoted from The Ministry of Education, Culture, Science, and Technology(MEXT)’s "Examples of issues to be discussed regarding globalization and education"
Also, even for so-called "pure Japanese" who were born and raised in Japan and have Japanese nationality, in order to coexist with people who have different cultures and values ​​in the midst of globalization, it is important to acquire an attitude of respect for each other from an early age and deepen the understanding of local traditions and culture. Education plays an important role in this part.

It cannot be achieved by Japanese people alone
In this era, cooperation that transcends the boundaries of "Japanese" and "foreigners" is needed. For example, it is often heard that even companies in Japan work with branch offices overseas, do transactions with overseas companies, or the official language of the company is English. By cooperating not only with so-called pure Japanese people but also with people with various roots, the benefits are immeasurable such as increasing unexpected ideas and new discoveries. With the Tokyo Olympics scheduled for 2021, people with various nationalities and races will come to Japan. It is expected that this will further accelerate the globalization of Japan. Given this situation, we think we need to support children with foreign roots not as "customers who will return someday" but as important human resources who will support the future of Japan.

To have every individuals to have a quality education and to reduce inequalities are set as a goal for SDGs

