About 2 billion people eat insects all over the world, mainly in Asia, Africa and Latin America.

In Asia
Worms and Insects are most widely eaten in Thailand.
Actually people have been eating insects since long ago and farming insects are very popular now. In supermarkets, frozen insects such as giant water bugs, pupas of silkworms, crickets and caterpillars.
We have different ways of eating different kinds of worms and insects.
For example, caterpillars are good as snacks and grasshoppers and crickets are deep fried. The eggs of ants are used as a soup ingredient.。

In Africa
People often eat worms and insects to make up for the shortage of food.
They eat caterpillars, horseflies, and termites. They have Porenta, (dried corn powder and caterpillars are simmered and deep fried) croquettes and ice cream with horse flies in them.

Image of cooked insects※メンバーが描画

In Latin America
Indigenous people in Latin America have a habit of eating worms and insects. They say they eat about 230 kinds of worms and insects.
They eat caterpillars, grasshoppers, eggs of flies or ants, and bugs.
In Latin America they have a much wider variety of cooking worms and insects than other areas of the world.
For example, they fry caterpillars and season with hot pepper or sauces and put them in bread or mix eggs of chickens with those of flies and put it into a bumberger patty and grill it.
Bugs are broiled and made into ingredients for Tacos.


In Europe and North America
People in Europe and North America are not in the habit of eating worms and insects as those in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Recently, however, some companies have started selling snacks made from insects like crickets.
All over the world more and more people are ready to accept worms and insects as part of their dietary culture.

※1.出典:FAO 「 Edible insectsFuture prospects for food and feed security」P.xiii The role of insectsより

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