You know? Clothing loss ~Let's protect our planet.~

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Global warming

Carbon dioxide, the main cause of global warming, is emitted in large quantities during the manufacturing process of clothes and the incineration process of unsold clothes. Carbon dioxide is also generated in the process of throwing away clothes that you have purchased and disposing of them in landfills.
This amount is equivalent to 10% of the carbon dioxide emitted by human activities.
In addition, in order to sell clothes at low prices, they are often imported in large quantities from other countries, and it can be said that the transportation process also emits carbon dioxide.

Problems emerging from global warming
As global warming progresses, the average temperature of the earth will increase...
1,Summer will be extremely hot.

2,As icebergs melt and sea levels rise, some areas will sink into the sea.

3,The environment of the area where the organism used to live changes, and the number of the organism decreases or becomes extinct, resulting in the collapse of the ecosystem.
...This is especially true for animals that live on ice and cold water.

4,The climate changes.
...The way clouds form and the way the wind blows may change, and many changes may occur.

:Increased frequency of guerrilla rains (sudden heavy rains)
...This was also the reason for the sudden heavy rains in the world of 20XX.

:More typhoons
:Heavy rains and increased typhoons will cause flooding.
:Water will be depleted and deserts will increase.
