Have you ever eaten "
Many of you will say, "Many times!".
In Japan, tuna is a familiar and popular fish, and can be found in a variety of dishes such as onigiri (rice ball) and tuna bowls, in addition to popular sushi.
The Red List, updated in September 2021, shows that there are species of tuna that are listed as endangered, as well as species that are not endangered but are still at high risk.
Nevertheless, there is some good news.
One reason for this is the development of
By using not only fishing but also aquaculture, it is possible to
In addition, international fishing agreements regulate the catch of tuna.
We believe that the recovery trend in the numbers of some species of tuna indicates that it is possible to preserve the ecosystem and species while maintaining the food culture.
On this site, we collected and discuss about tuna in detail, and we hope that you will find it interesting and informative
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