Reference books
All books we refered to make this site are in japanese.
「マグロのふしぎがわかる本」(translated title: A book that understands the mystery of tuna)、Publisher:TSUKIJI SHOKAN PUBLISHING、Authors:Hideki Nakano and Masakazu Oka
「世界初!マグロの完全養殖」(translated title: World's First! Complete cultivation of tuna)、Publisher:Kagakudojin、Auther:Hiroki Hayashi
「究極のクロマグロ完全養殖物語」(translated title: The ultimate bluefin tuna farming story) Publisher:Nikkei BP Marketing, Inc.、Auther:Hidemi Kumai
「マグロの大研究」(translated title: Great research on tuna) 、Publisher:PHP INTERFACE、Author:Hiroshi Kawano
「マグロ学」(translated title: Tunalogy) Publisher:Kodansha、Auther:Izumi Nakamura
「サバからマグロが産まれる!?」(translated title: Tuna are born from mackerel!)、Publisher:Iwanami、Author:Goro Yoshizaki
「トコトンやさしい養殖の本」(translated title: A book about aquaculture that is easy to read)、Publisher:Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun、Edited:Aquaculture Research Institute, Kindai University
「図解知識ゼロからの現代漁業入門」(translated title: An illustrated introduction to modern fisheries from zero knowledge)、Publisher:Ie-No-Hikari Association、Edited:Takeshi Hamada
「結局、ウナギは食べていいのか問題」(translated title: After all, the question is whether it is okay to eat eels)、Publisher:Iwanami、Author:Kenzo Kaihu
「ウナギの保全生態学」(translated title: Conservation ecology of eels)、Publisher:Kyoritsu Shuppan、Author:Kenzo Kaihu
「びっくり!マグロ大百科」(translated title: Surprise! Tuna encyclopedia)、Publisher:Kodansha、Author:Bluefin Tuna Breeding Team, Kasai Aquarium
Referene information
Aquarium ecological exhibits of tunas in Japan
Tokyo Sea Life Park: https://www.tokyo-zoo.net/english/kasai/index.html
Kagoshima City Aquarium: https://ioworld.jp/english
Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium: https://churaumi.okinawa/en/
Aquamarine Fukushima: https://www.aquamarine.or.jp/
About the Red List
THE IUCN Red List of Threstened Species: https://www.iucnredlist.org/
Statistics of Fishery produstion
2021 Fisheries White Paper by Fisheries Agency of Japan: https://www.jfa.maff.go.jp/j/kikaku/wpaper/(in Japanese)
Aquaculture Research Institute, Kindai University
Aquaculture Research Institute, Kindai University:https://www.flku.jp/english/
Tunas Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs)
IATTC https://www.iattc.org/
ICCAT https://www.iccat.int/en/
WCPFC https://www.wcpfc.int/home
IOTC https://iotc.org/
CCSBT https://www.ccsbt.org/
Certification programs for sustainable seafoods
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC)
Marine Eco-Label Japan (MEL)
Global Seafood Alliance (GSA)
Companies/Organization challeges to sustanble seafood issues
Seven & i Holdings Co., Ltd.
https://www.7andi.com/sustainability/g_challenge/project/sustainableseafood2021/index.html(in Japanese)
McDonald's Company (Japan), Ltd.
https://www.mcdonalds.co.jp/sustainability/food/fish/ (in Japanese)
https://goods.jccu.coop/ethical/msc/ (in Japanese)
List of MSC certificaited fisheries in Japan
https://www.msc.org/jp/what-we-are-doing/Japan-MSC-certified-fisheries (in Japanese)
Maruha Nichiro Corporation
Hagoromo Foods Cooperation
United Nations Information Centres
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