Our message
We hope you enjoyed this site and serve as an opportunity to think about sustainability.about sustainabily of tuna and marine resources.
Tuna has been loved by many people, especially japanese, for a long time, but its abundance has been declining and countermeasures are now being developed.
What do you think is the best way to protect natural resources without reducing their population in the face of the extinction crisis?
You may immediately think of ways to protect the natural resources without reducing their population, such as not catching or eating them. However, this would mean that we would not be able to eat tuna, eels, and so on. This would lead to the demise of the food culture that our predecessors built and that we still enjoy today.
We believe that we should not protect the population of a natural resource by not catching or eating it at all, but rather promote methods to protect it while eating it at the same time. Through learning about the various efforts surrounding tuna, we have come to believe that
What can we, consumers, do? For example, purchasing products that are caught using fishing methods that take into account the protection of natural resources with the "Marine Eco-Label" will help protect natural resources.
We believe it is important for each of us to take an interest in the current state of our endangered natural resources and share a sense of crisis with many others.
The goal 14 of the SDGs adopted by the United Nations also states "protect the abundance of the oceans" and the protection of natural resources is considered important internationally. A
By expanding activities to properly protect natural resources across the globe, we will be able to

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