If you choose lottery

[Method for calculating male lottery ticket purchase results]

During the period from December 2019 to December 2022, we will purchase as many jumbo lottery tickets as we can with the remaining amount.

The balance at the end of the year-end jumbo one year later will be the final result.
December 2020 to February 2021 Number of sheets Spending profit difference
year-end jumbo(2020) 1,666,666 sheets 499,999,800yen 314,229,100yen -185,770,700yen
valentine jumbo(2021) 1,047,430sheets 314,229,100yen 122,137,900yen -202,091,200yen
dream jumbo(2021) 373,793sheets 112,137,900yen 42,057,700yen -70,080,200yen
summer jumbo(2021) 140,192sheets 42,057,700yen 10,048,700yen -32,009,000yen
halloween jumbo(2021) 33,495sheets 10,048,700yen 2,745,000yen -7,303,700yen
year-end jumbo(2021) 9,150vsheets 2,745,000yen 1,857,500yen -887,500yen
valentine jumbo(2022) 2,858sheets 857,500yen 325,800yen 531,700yen
dream jumbo(2022) 1,089sheets 326,700yen 65,700yen -26,100yen
summer jumbo(2022) 219sheets 65,700yen 15,600yen -50,100yen
halloween jumbo(2022) 52sheets 15,600yen 1,600yen -14,800yen
year-end jumbo(2022) 6sheets 1,800yen 0yen -1800yen

Final result: -500 million yen
Reference: 9/15 lottery simulation
