What parasites do to the environment

 The earth is now in danger of life support.In particular, global warming caused by environmental destruction is upsetting natural ecosystems and further magnifying the problem of parasites on the earth.Warming in temperate and cold regions increases the range of mosquitoes and other insects.Parasitic diseases, once thought to be tropical, are increasingly likely to re-emerge in Japan and Europe.。

 As long as global warming continues, the earth will have more harmful parasites.

 Parasites are also involved in natural ecosystems.

According to evolutionary biologist Jimmy Barnott of the National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C., USA, parasitism is a "highly successful form of life"!

(source:https://natgeo.nikkeibp.co.jp/atcl/news/21/101100495/   https://miyairikinenkan.com/gendaiseikatsu/kiseicyu_kankyo_isao_tada/)


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2022.06.07 We formed a team.
2022.07.23 We started homepage making.
2022.08.28 We went to Meguro parasite building.
2022.10.21 We are selected as a representative of the school.
2022.12.20 We are selected semi finalist.
2022.12.31 We created a Twitter account for this site.

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