Meguro parasite building 

We went to the
Parasitological Museum in Meguro to use it as a reference when creating this site.

The parasite museum has many real parasites on display.

You can also deepen your understanding of parasites through explanations of the damage caused by parasites and exhibits of past research.

On the 2nd floor, there is a monitor where you can touch the screen to learn more about infectious diseases caused by parasites, when it started to converge, and what the current situation is.

Souvenirs such as parasite T-shirts are available for sale, and although not currently on display due to the prevention of new coronavirus infection, there is a section where strings the same length as tapeworms(8.8m) recovered from the human body are hung during normal times so that visitors can experience their actual length, making it a very interesting facility.

I was surprised that the tapeworm was so long!

The tapeworm that was actually recovered on the right side of the photo.

(Access:It is about 12 minutes on foot from the Meguro Station west exit)
Opening hours: 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. / Free admission

It is a 12-minute walk from Meguro Station, but it is a very interesting place. Even those who don't know anything about parasites can enjoy this place.

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Activity log

2022.06.07 We formed a team.
2022.07.23 We started homepage making.
2022.08.28 We went to Meguro parasite building.
2022.10.21 We are selected as a representative of the school.
2022.12.20 We are selected semi finalist.
2022.12.31 We created a Twitter account for this site.

This site participates in the25th whole country junior high school High School Web contest.

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