Interview with a post-British

This is the result of an interview with a person lived in UK.


  • In what month or season does it rain most often in your country?
  • I guess it depends on the area, but when I lived in England, it rained every day. However, it was not strong rain, but weak rain like showers.
  • Have you ever suffered from any damage caused by heavy rainfall?
  • I have never actually suffered damage from torrential rains, but as I mentioned earlier, the temperature changes rapidly because of the frequent rainfall. Therefore, people who work outside, for example, may catch a cold due to the rapid changes in temperature.
  • Do such heavy rains occur frequently in your country?
  • As I said earlier, it rains every day.
  • Do you take any measures to reduce damage caused by heavy rainfall?
  • If it was going to rain, we minimized the time spent outdoors.