Interview with Canadian

This is the result of the interview with Canadian.


  • In what month or season does it rain most often in your country?
  • March or April through May.
  • Have you ever suffered from any damage caused by heavy rainfall?
  • Yes.
  • What kind of damage did it cause?
  • I mentioned earlier that it often rains from March or April to May, and this is also the time when the snow accumulated during the winter begins to melt. Therefore, in addition to the rain, melted snow flows into rivers, causing flooding in urban areas about eight years ago.
  • Do such heavy rains occur frequently in your country?
  • No, it did not. It does not rain often.
  • Do you take any measures to reduce damage caused by heavy rainfall?
  • Only few personal measures have been taken. However, the city has taken steps to adjust its alarm system and to prevent flooding.
  • In what month or season does it rain most often in your country?
  • Canada has no rainy season. It rains in all seasons except winter.。
  • Have you ever suffered from any damage caused by heavy rainfall?
  • No.
  • No.
  • No.
  • Do such heavy rains occur frequently in your country?
  • No. It rains only about 3~4 times a year. That is usually in the summer.
  • Do you take any measures to reduce damage caused by heavy rainfall?
  • Rain is not a hazard, as strong rains rarely fall. Therefore, other than carrying an umbrella on rainy days, we do not take any other measures.