Interview with Ghanaian

This is the result of the interview with Ghanaian.


  • In what month or season does it rain most often in your country?
  • The rainy season is from March to June or July. Rainfall is heaviest from June to July.
  • Have you ever suffered from any damage caused by heavy rainfall?
  • Yes.
  • What kind of damage did it cause?
  • Power outages and trees sometimes fall over.
  • Do such heavy rains occur frequently in your country?
  • Heavy rainfall is common every year during the rainy season. This year(2022), rainfall was heavier than usual.
  • Do you take any measures to reduce damage caused by heavy rainfall?
  • It's about planning and being prepared. It is very difficult to build a house during periods of heavy rainfall, so we try to build our houses during periods when it does not rain as much.