Interview with Pakistanis

This is the result of the interview with Pakistanis.


  • In what month or season does it rain most often in your country?
  • End of June or July to mid-August.
  • Have you ever suffered from any damage caused by heavy rainfall?
  • Yes.
  • What kind of damage did it cause?
  • Strong monsoons can cause flooding that results in the loss of people and animals.
  • Do such heavy rains occur frequently in your country?
  • No. We had strong rains this year. It has been 4-5 years since we had rainfall as strong as this year.
  • Do you take any measures to reduce damage caused by heavy rainfall?
  • Watch the weather forecast, and if it looks like it will rain heavily, do things like buy food or do laundry before it rains. Many individuals do nothing to prepare for it.