Relationship with the SDGs

So how can "What We Can Do" contribute to the SDGs? From here, we will look at initiatives and measures from the perspective of the SDGs!

1.What is SDGs?

Image of SDGs list

SDGs is The abbreviation for Sustainable Development Goals.

The SDGs, adopted at the UN Summit in September 2015, is "17 goals" and "169 targets (concrete goals)" that the 193 UN member countries have set forth to achieve over the 15 years from 2016 to 2030.

In this page, we introduce the connection between torrential rain disasters and the SDGs, and how we can contribute to the SDGs.

2.Contribution to the SDGs

Among the 17 goals are those to which you can make a particular contribution by taking steps to prepare for heavy rainfall disasters.

The first is number 11, "Create a livable community," and the second is number 13, "Take concrete measures to address climate change.

The following pages will focus on numbers 11 and 13, respectively, and will introduce specific initiatives and measures.

11 Sustainable Housing 13 Put an effective measure on climate change
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