Interview with a Zambian

This is the result of an interview with Zambian


  • In what month or season does it rain most often in your country?
  • November to March This is called the rainy season.
  • Have you ever suffered from any damage caused by heavy rainfall?
  • Yes.
  • What kind of damage did it cause?
  • Houses were sometimes destroyed by floods In addition, the rains sometimes made it impossible to get grain and vegetables.
  • Do such heavy rains occur frequently in your country?
  • 15 to 20 years ago it happened often, but not so much these days.
  • Do you take any measures to reduce damage caused by heavy rainfall?
  • The government took steps to reduce damage caused by heavy rains by planting trees. The government is actively working on it. The entire African continent does not have as much rainfall as Zambia, and there are places like Tanzania and Namibia where there are deserts and not much rainfall.