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HOMELearning from other fields > Items that use the Light and Color relationships

Items that use the Light and Color relationships

Brown colored bottle

This bottle has a light blocking effect. A brown bottle is used for some drinks such as beer bottles because it protects fragile vitamins from exposure light.

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Color Photography

Color photography uses four layers (Photosensitive layers) for sensing color. One each is used for the red, blue,and green primary colors, and an additional yellow filtering layer to filter out blue and ultraviolet light that is placed in between the red and green layers, The four layers are set up with the blue photosensitive layer, yellow filter layer, green photosensitive layer,and finally the red photosensitive layer ftom top to bottom. When developing film,the red photosensitive layer functions to create cyan coloration,while the blue photosensitive layer functions to create yellow coloration,and the green photosensitive layer functions to create magenta coloration. When printing out,a strong white light is used on the film to make enlarged images. Color photography is principally done by initiating a chemical reaction in color sensitive layers placed on top of printing material. Color photography is made by mixing the three resultant colors of yellow, magenta,and cyan to make all of the various colors. Three lays detect the three primary colors of light (Photosensitive layers)

Color TV (CRT)

Many small textures materials are lined up in the order of red, green and blue behind the screen of a color TV. It produces color by irradiating the textures with an electron beam. The screen of a color television can make a variety of colors by combining the three primary colors of light.

Magic mirror

A Magic Mirror is created when a mercury solution is painted an the back of semi transparent glass. From a brightened room, it looks like a mormal mirror as it is placed in between that room and a darkened one. Yet we can see bright room from the dark one as the mirrors light reflect on makes it appear transpaned. Because it also transmits light slightly even in a bright room, you can slightly see the dark room when you look closely.