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  <about Light&Color>
by about Light
 LED gotten into the news recently.
Do you know Light-emitting diode? Now, we can find it in many place. Maybe, you've heard such as long service life, high energy efficiency about it. First, about lifespan. A LED lamp has lifespan of about 30,000〜50,000 hours. An incandescent lamp's one is about 1,000〜2,000 hours. It is very longer than a incandescent lamp. Secondly, about electricity usage. A LED lamp electricity usage is 5〜8W. In contrast, an incandescent lamp's one is about 60W. You can understand a LED uses less energy than an incandescent lamp. A LED converts electricity into light directly, so it can emit with efficiency. However, a LED is more expensive than a previous bulbs.(LED:1000〜1500yen, Previous bulbs:100yen) LED is evaluated about long service life and high energy efficiency, and used in bulb, illumination, electronic billboards, traffic lights and so on.

by Reflection of Light
 Antireflective coating
As the name suggests,this is a membrane to prevent the reflection of light. As Light
waves overlap,these strengthen and weaken each other. One can reduce the reflection of
light usingthis phenomenon.

by Electrostatic discharge
 Discharge phenomenon familiar
 Probably, as a familiar electric discharge phenomenon, it is static electricity. Static electricity often happens during the dry winter months. Static electricity is caused by friction of two kinds insulators. Ground and foot friction, the body and clothing friction etc, they are major causes. Ignition and explosion in a self-service gas station by static electricity are dangerous. Since the preventive measures are put up these days. Don't miss it. Lightning is a natural phenomenon due to static electricity.
・As a measure
 Please dissipate static electricity. The other, increasing the humidity of the room because Static electricity is unlikely to occur with high humidity. As a matter of sense, I think touching by the palm is less impact than touching by the tip of one's finger.

about Color
 How many colors are there in our lives?
Red, blue and green are divided into 256 levels from 0 to 255, 16777216 kinds of colors are produced by combining them. Colors which people can see are 7,500,000 colors if conditions are ready. They are 1,875,000 colors if conditions are not ready.

<Learn from Physics>
by Rainbow
 How many colors are contained in the rainbow?
Aristotle in Greece said that a rainbow is red, green and blue,and sometimes appears
yellow.The first person who said that the number of colors in a rainbow was Isaac Newton
who became famous for his Law of universal gravitation.The color of a rainbow was said to be
three colors in the Edo era in Japan.Now,not all countries necessarily say that a
rainbow is seven colors.The number of colors in a rainbow is said to be six in America ,
five in Germany and Russia, and even two or three in some countries.The number of
colors changes by how neutral colors are identified.

by Aurora
 What is the origin of the name "aurora"?
The name aurora is derived from the "Goddess of the Dawn" in Roman mythology.
She was known as the God which brought the dawn to the Earth ,and ancient people believed
that she gave light to the world. Auroras aaaare also called "northern lights" near North Pole and "southern lights" near the South Pole.

by Mirage
 Do you know where is famous for its mirage?
There is a famous spot called "Mirage road" where a mirage appears in Uozu in Toyama prefecture, Japan. You can often see a mirage at Mirage road in warm spring days. If you can see a mirage , you can get a certificate in Uozu Buried Forest Museum. People who could not see it can get a certificate called "Mirage mirarendacya certificate".

<Learning from other fields>
by Photogens
 Japanese got Nobel Prize, discovery of a photogen!
 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, Japanese was also awarded it. The winners are Osamu shimomura, Martin Chalfie, and Roger Yonchien Tsien. The reason rereived the award is "the discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP". GFP stands for Green Fluorescent Protein, and it represents a Green Fluorescent Protein. Mr. Shimomura discovered GFP from Aequorea victoria, or crystal jelly. One of anecdotes is his family took hundreds of thousands of jellyfish.
 GFP is a green glow when it is exposed to ultraviolet or blue light. GFP has little effect on the organism. GFP does not need oxygen when it emits light. So GFP is very safe around the circurm stance which it is applied.

by Creatures that react Light
 Items using phototaxis of insects.
There are insecticide machines, Insecticide lights, Light traps. They radiate near-ultraviolet ray and attract insects. The insects dies from the high voltage. Or they drop on the water which added oil etc. and the machines make them drown.