ProjectE > English Index > Information Education > Patent

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For Kids

     How to protect our ideas? Imagine, you have uploaded your ideas about new education. If someone uses the idea in seacret, and get profit, is that OK? If someone copies the paragraph and upload as if it were written by him, is that OK? The former question is yes and the latter is no. As Copy Right Law only protects the expression, we can't protect our idea without getting the patent.
      We can copy by means of domestic use. We can quote with proper expression. It should be needed. It should be sub. You should tell it to be quotation. In educational usage, without copying work books, you can copy. For examination, you can use but not for getting money. 50 years after the auther's death, we can use it. 
     We used to use © because America didn't sign the Bern treaty. Now, as America signed it, we don't have to use this mark, but as some country hasn't, you may use it.
Copyright,©name, year, All Rights Reserved. 
     If we can use other's idea freely, our industory will gain. Not only this merit, but also the auther will gain, the reason why Linux spread so widely is that they are free to use. But if one company sells a CD, but soon being copied, what would they think? To accumulate healthy development, we now have patent. 
      But it's difficult to get it. How about sending your ideas to Dreams of Seed and wait? You won't get money, but your ideas may come true. 
     We propose that there should be (i) mark. It is the mark to show who's idea it is. You can both enroll or not. Enrollment costs, but it can be a evidence. Then, people can easily propose their ideas without being afraid of using by others.

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