
Honey wax

Honey is made by dissolving the hive boards. Create honey wax from the wax gland around
the belly of the bee. Make hive out of the wax.

In addition, applying a cover to the hive of potential puppeteers is also an idea. Honey how much you eat about a 10% of honey wax. Collecting nectar field bee, work inside the nest va sticks than more honey wax and create many.

Honey wax had been used of candles since old times in Europe and Southeast Asia. Candles in the Middle Ages were enveloped in a faint scent of honey. Today, it is not only processed into candles, but also used in cosmetic products such as lip balm and hand cream. You can even eat it.



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フォーガスチャドウィック, スティーブオールトン, エマ・サラテナント, ビルフィツモーリス, ジュディー アール  『ミツバチの教科書(原題 The Bee Book)』 エクスナレッジ 、2017年
一般社団法人 日本養蜂協会 ホームページhttp://www.beekeeping.or.jp/
