Humans and radiation

This page discusses the relation ship between humans and radiation.
you will understand about radiation,for instance,how radiation inflences the human body.

Being exposed to radiation
Do you know there are two kinds of radiation exposure?
If you are exposed to radiation from outside of your body,it is called extern.
If you are exposed to radiation ingested by body,it is called internal exposure.
This page provides on explanation of these two types.

Radiation influence on the human body
When you are exposed to radiation, how are you influenced?
This page answers such questions.
This page uses the term Sievert,
if you don't know this measurement,please read the "Units of determination"section.

Familiar type of radiation
Do you know there are meny familior type of radiation?
For example,radon hot springs,X-ray, and so on.
This page differentiates natural radiation and artificial radiation while
also discussing their uses medical and farming technologies.