
About the history of gwritingh
hThe evolution of writing is the evolution of human beings.h
gWritingh is essential feature of our lives.
Humankind has developed in the civillization from our birth to present date.
The basis of the development is gwritingh,and ga letterh itself has developed to more useful and diffusive one.
We can say that humanfs development could not occured without gwritingh ,and that nowadays we communicate each other mostly with g writingh.
The benefit of gwritingh canft be overestimated.
To learn the history of gwritingh is to know the progression of humankind.
And it would be to understand the importance of gwritingh as the basis of our life.
So, to learn the history of gwritingh is the purpose of this site.

Origins of the sitefs name

We named here gthe history of MOZIh.
We use not only japanese letter but also alphabet.
It is because there are more than one ways to describe a word in one language.