Think Quest Japan




@Thank you for teaching me about the EU and Euro.


@What's the matter?

@Although surely this finished my talk, you forget the important thing.We have to examine ourselves firmly in the problem which occurred in such society for the future.

@I see.

@Why don't you discuss about that?

Euro should be abolished. `Niccho-kun's opinion`

I think that EU countries should abolish Euro. B

Because Europe don't have to be collected into one.
Japan grew up the economy without collective after the war.B

Unifying currency, the country which have a weak financial base will influence the economy of whole Europe.
@ The credit insecurity is also caused because of this.
@The situation of each country is different in the same Europe.
Therefore, I think that it isn't necessary to take a risk.

EU should build a mechanism which monitors the way of money use Taro's opinion.

I think that European countries should unify the whole finances completely.

It caused "how of currency to use money although it is together is scattering in each country" was the cause.
I think the European countries should discuss that how to use the money ,and make an arrangement of supervision.

I think it is necessary not to make financial trouble by building strong ECB.

Euro has been ten years since it started, but I think that EU can overcome this problem.

Let's think about this problem!
This is not regarded as other people's affairs,
but if you think that it is the problem which has arisen by its surroundings and it discusses, it will interest further to this problem.

«««««Please see about Novel prize!!«««««

¡EU got the Novel prize ¡Novel prize ¡Nobel Peace Prize ¡Alfred Nobel