Cyber no Guard Senpo

What is Cyber no Guard Senpo

Cyber tactics no guards, is a term that refers to security no awareness company and companies that do not have security awareness, security measures of the organization.

There are a lot of personal information on the Internet

 On the Internet, and you can enter your real name for you to enter your email address for you to enter an address for the prize, the net game, a registered member of the Web site, our site has a variety of I have entered a variety of personal information.
In order to use the services, are often stored on a server that is connected to the Internet information. There is a risk that flows out by cyber attack and therefore.

Security costs money

 To prevent information leakage due to cyber attacks, your company must take security measures. However, a large amount of cost in order to counter the increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks go day by day. You can float the cost by not performing security measures. There are also companies and organizations that do not even minimum security measures required for this purpose.
You can also sue the person that made the attack, the damages when personal information was leaked by cyber attack further. Such money is not to apologize for users and customers you've drained your personal information, such as the better of the cost of sending a gift certificate as a guarantee, or they may be cheaper than the cost of day-to-day security.

Corporate responsibility

 Such companies will pursue the responsibility on the side when the attack was actually draining information as victims, or about the same as crackers drained the information that you have neglected security of personal information opinion that we should follow the more responsible people familiar with the matter have come from more than one security.
Also, there is no law in Japan at the moment to punish it.


サイバーテロ漂流少女 2012年2月27日第1刷 一田和樹(著) 発行所:株式会社原書房

サイバーノーガード戦法の恐怖:PC Online

サイバー・ノーガード戦法 - Wikipedia

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