About monetary policy
「Bank of Japan has another job. It is Monetary policy.Try to stability is job to Bank of Japan.」
「It is doing a lot of kind job!」
「Yes. Do you know inflation and deflation?」
「what is it?」
「Yes! oh which...」
「We call inflation which keep increasing price of goods and service.」
「I know it!」
「For example, in Germany after World WarT,goverment prented to return the debt so goods's price keep increasing. A poteto is million yen.」
「Outcome,bills is like papers.」
「Money is like papers!?」
「Yes, and children play bills like block.」
「Value of money decreased...」
「Yes...The contrary, deflation is price keep decreasing.It's bad too.」
「Price of things decrease so is it good?」
「Kaneta,please you think well. Proceeds decrease clerk side.」
「So...Do clerks's pay decrease?」
「Yes. Not all, the unemployed mar increase. Is it bad?」
「Yes... Inflation and deflation are scary.」
「Yes. So,it not both of them, just circumstances calls Price stability.」
「How does Price stability do?」
「Bank adjusted money which circulate, and interest of Short-term money market manipulations.」
「What is interest?」
「When we lend and borrow money, it puy money as thanks.」
「So, will it do?」
「It will become inflation so Bank increase interest. So everyone deposit to Bank, family finances keep down the cost. So economy settles down.」
「I see.」
「How does interest decrease?」
「Decreasing interest is economy settles down. Because everyone use money more, companies borrow more.」
「Bank isn't only depositing money...」
「It is important to supporte the society!」
Web contest
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