What kind of place are customs?
There is "Hakodatecustoms" in Hakodate the city where we are now live in. Hakodate customs has a long history.
We went there make an interview. First of all,we will explain you what the customs is on the whole.
About customs
・Collection of consumption tax, or tariff.
・Regulation of alien smuggling.
The work can be classified into the following.
・"Examination of export and import"
・"Prevention illegal export and import"
・"Collection of tax"
・"Reservation of collection tax"
"Examination of export and import"
When we export and import, weneed to declare to the customus and need to be permited by the customs.
We call it "customs cleaning procedure"
In the customs, they examine whether the promited is done following by documents.
In case of necessity, they examine the shipment itself.
It allows shipments to be imported ahter it confims that tariff and consumption tax has certainly been paid.
"Prevention illegal export and import"
In order to prevent illegall export and import,they mainly regulate ships,
planes imported or eported and shipments loaded or unloaded.
I'iicite some examples familiar to you.
It is an inspection which you can experience when you go abroad.
Now,many people or manythings cross the border between countories,a danger of smuggring is increasing.
That's why,it regulates smuggling in airports or seaports to maintain social order and economic situation of our country.
Many drug-suiffing-dogs are now taking important roles.
"Collection of tax"
It collects tariff and consumption tax for imported or exported things,
tonnage duty or special tonnage duty,tax cherged to ships engaged in foreign trade.
Also,it conducts an on- site iuspection to importtrader in order to examine whether the assessment of tax is done rightly.
"Reservation of collection tax"
Reservation of collected tax means to reserve collecting tax of foreight from foreign countries for a time.
Freight from foreighn countries was kept in the special place a boncled area for a time.
Afterwards,it can be imported with permisson,after paying tax.
In some sorts of Reservation of collected tax allowd to be kept some boned areas allowed freight from foreighn countries are to be kept underbond with tax reservated of collected for a while.
Freights made from foreighn countries tax underbond.
It canbe displayed at the international exhibition underbond for a while.
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