Welcome to "ECONOMICS"!!

Recently, we see the Words such as "TPP" or "Appreciation of the yen".
But they are too difficult for junior high school student and the others to understand.
So we make understand about economy from creating this site.

You can learn about the economy happily in this site.
Mr. Kaneta and Ms.Rich send the simple question for Doctors and we learn about "Economy".
Let's join us!!

Profile of Characters

Mr. Kaneta
A junir high scool student.
He hate studying but he is interested in Economy nowadays.

Ms. Rich
A junior high school student came from oversea.
Now, she is homestay to Kneta's family.


Opened our website
making many pagese

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Web contest

This site has been participating in "第16回全国中学高校Webコンテスト".
