Category of taxs@ -Consumption tax-
「Doctor, Did I pay the tax?」 |
「Yes.」 |
「How?」 |
「Tax has many ways to pay.」 |
「Please tell me!」 |
「Sure.」 |
If you want to know in detail, please click Here!
「First, please tell me easy one.」 |
「I see.」 |
「What's name?」 |
「It called "Consumption tax". Have you hear this?」 |
「No.」 |
「I thought so.」 |
「How pay it?」 |
「This conote in the values of products.」 |
「What do you mean?」 |
「You buy something, you'll pay money.」 |
「Of course.」 |
「You'll pay tax, too.」 |
「I got it!」 |
「Do you know how much?」 |
「I know it! It's 5yen.」 |
「Almost. It's only in Hundred-yen store.」 |
「I don't like math.」 |
「The percrntage of it is 5%.」 |
「Oh I see.」 |
「the rich people have to pay much.」 |
「Of course.」 |
「It's natural.」 |
「Doctor, Where we pay it?」 |
「The store pay the total for goverment.」 |
「Hmmm.」 |
「Please tell me more.」 |
「Sure.」 |