About TPP.
「Docter, Please tell me about that!」
「TPP calls "Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership".」
「Docter, I heard other name from you.」
「The TPP goes by many names.」
「I got it!」
「Docter, what is TPP's difference.」
「TPP make abolishment of customs tax, so we can trade at a good pace. And, GDP will increase.」
「It's great.」
「Why will GDP increase?」
「When Japan accedence to TPP, Japan will go global.」
「It's very good.」
「It means import of foreign products.」
「Yes. This is a problem.」
「For example, foreign agricultural crops is very cheap, and many people will buy it.」
「Which would mean what?」
「Japanese agricultural crops get thrown off the market.」
「In other hands, cost of medical care will go up in price.」
「Japanese style and American style have big difference.」
「Japan use "Health insurance treatment".」という制度を使っているのじゃ」
「What's it?」
「Country have decided the price of health care costs,'m self-pay system that only 30 percent.」
「Oh, it's great.」
「Yes but America use"medical treatment at one's own expense".」
「Yes. America is free for all way!」
「Medical treatment at one's own expense can sell the medicin for big money.」
「So, I can't buy it.」
「It's demerit. People don't have money can't have check up.」
「I see...Anything but?」
「The hospital for profit will increase.」
「Any other?」
「Since America is aiming to strengthen the patent of new drugs, detrimental to the development and distribution of generic drug development after.」
「Oh my god!」
「It has merit and demerit.」
「Can you learn function of custom tax?」
「It's good.」
Web contest
This site has been participating in "第16回全国中学高校Webコンテスト".