Extra Edition. 7 ToolsOK in the tool very general?

In this case, it's not directly related to the personal computer, but it will introduce a tool that was used for the study. At first, I was thinking simply as "if there is a driver", but work is brought to proceed, tools do not know we went on the rise.

‡@ Rotation system

Driver set general

If you assemble of the your PC, you will need is one Phillips screwdriver. However, we have provided a driver for the time being set because it is not only simple assembly this time.

Precision screwdriver

In the personal computer itself, precision screws are not used, but many precision screw is being used as the drive equipment such as a DVD or HDD.
Positive and negative comes as a set precision screwdriver set of normal, It is unlikely where you need the negative with respect to the decomposition of the personal computer.
So I've prepared a set of only a Phillips screwdriver.

Hex robe driver

You may be familiar with the person of the Designation of Torx screwdriver, but it is the driver of the star of six.
You will not be able to turn without this driver screws that are used in the HDD. That it would open the HDD, so the same meaning as broken, Torx screw is used by the general public so that it does not open easily.
A PC of Hewlett Packard, interesting screws which is a combination of negative and Torx screws to drive fixing seems to be used in other than the HDD.

‡A Cleavage system


I make an outstanding performance, such as the foot of the electronic components and wiring, when you can not get well.


I mean science, our technology-based I have always taken care of, but there were no unexpected turn in the current study. Once, you can use but it will somehow or may not.


Not required for degradation of the personal computer. I used to destruction.

‡B Heating system

Soldering iron

Are you sure would not be a tool that is relatively unfamiliar.

‡C Blottersystem

It'spresented here, might bea toolvery minor. I thinkyou know thesoldering ironin the previous stageisa lot, but a toolto attachtheparts, a soldering ironwill need to bea toolofpositivealphaToremove theparts.

Solder wick

It is astringofstripknittedcopper wire. Can be removed byimpregnatedsolderwas dissolved. This is the sameprinciplewith a clothto absorbthewater.

Solder suckers

Iis similar to thesyringe. However, instead of raisingslowlyas a syringepistonportionandsuckedat onceby usingaspring.

‡D Technologyreduces


When it comes to small parts and soldering work, but you have to tough work, even with apretty finger of us. It is the tweezers there is top lay an active part. In particular, reverseactiontweezersupperphotoisinspiringthing.

‡E Protection

Cotton work gloves

It is a toolvery important. It is notvisible to theeyeheatofthe soldering iron. It is theoriginalinjuryandexcessive forcealsotool. School lifesafetyfirstanyway.

‡F Technicalfoul

Heat gun

I mean this tool, we borrowedconditionallythanthe one that hadto provide aPCmachine. The conditionwas thatforvery dangerous,only students do not use,and that use under the guidance ofcoachsure.
I can confirm from video of here how to retrieve the parts from the substrate actually.
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