TSLeader T.S
Position: Operation the team, drawing the pictures
Hobby: Drawing pictures
Favorite subject: Japanese
・When I draw the picture, I thought hard what color I should use.
・I began to feel not only the problem of revising of the constitution, but also about the position and history of the constitution more familiar.

Position: Drawing the pictures
Hobby: Drawing the pictures
Favorite subject: Biology
・I struggled to draw the pictures, which are easy to understand, and have the same image with the page and
・I’m interested in Biology, but I can be interested in social study to see this page, too.

Position: Making and designing the pages
Hobby: Cooking
Favorite subject: Chemistry
・I struggled to consider the visitor and make the high-quality pages.
・I feel the problem of revising the constitution more familiar.

Position: Reading the contents and search the books to refer
Hobby: Railway
Favorite subject: Physics
・I chose the new information and found various opinions from in a lot of books.
・I got a chance to know the constitution well.

N.Y   NY
Position: Editing the contents and taking pictures, translation
Hobby: Taking pictures
Favorite subject: English
・It made me struggle to change the contents easy to understand, and translate the contents by my level.
・I had the opinion for the problem of revising the constitution, but by the making this site, I got more various opinions.

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