
HOME>Tour to learn>Let's watch the world>Parking area B
■■ AndReflectionof thetourso far, let'sprepare forthe nexttour.
Though absolute povertyisa serioussituation, the causejustas complex, such as disputes betweenreligiousissues andnation, itresolvedIis difficult....。 |
We see educationseemeddoabestmeansto get out ofpoverty! Iwant you tofocus onitssupport. |
Childreneducationis notreceivedin the worldsothereis! We willdobecomewhatisnow...! |
Rather thanthinkingin thedo's Na...eachcountrypovertythroughout theworldis a problem, they foundthemeasuresconnected with themoreother countries, wewant tofundamentallysolve thepovertyofthe world... |
Let's watch the world →Future forecast map |
In the "Future prospective view", usingthe obtainedknowledge anddatato learn aboutchildpoverty, we willdraw aJapaneseformof thefuture. |
The times of low birth high death |
Japan, which is becoming a small production multi-social. What problems
arise and hopefully leave this situation does not improve, we will expect. |
The growing social security expens |
By birth rate is reduced, the effect to the social security ...! ? The
Japan of the time we become prime work, what kind of thing I wonder whether. |
The future when we bear it |
For we do not regret when it becomes an adult, and I must change now. For
the "future" of Japan, let's consider the "now". |
In the nextbegins "the era of smallproduction multi-death" of the "Future prospective view"! Donotforgotten? So, Let's Go! |
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