
HOME>Tour to learn>Let's watch the world>Support from the world
■■We explain support from the world for the impoverished country here. |
The reasonfor Japan tohelp, it does not justsay thatto helptherich countriesarepoor countries. Many thingsaround us, such as ourfood andresources such asoil, have beentransported fromdeveloping countries.
Because the ODA (ODA) of Japan participated in Colombo plan on October
6, 1954, it began. A population of approximately 6,700 million falls in the world, and approximately
1 billion people suffer from starvation and poverty soon.
Furthermore, toward the solution of these problems including the problem
of the scale of the earth including environment and the AIDS problem, what
they contribute to through ODA is the thing that is important as a member
of the global community.
For Japan which depends on the import from the foreign countries for most
of resources and food, it is connected to the profit of the Japanese country
we help with the development of the developing country through ODA, and
to connect with world stability peacefully. |
It is necessary to help positively simply because a developing country
is a Japanese world important partner. |
In addition, the poverty becomes the cause that terrorism or the dispute
are basic, and the problems that are common in such a developing countries
include an outbreak of illness of AIDS.In addition, the poverty becomes
the cause that terrorism or the dispute are basic, and the problems that
are common in such a developing countries include an outbreak of illness
of AIDS. |
What Japan received help after the war from the countries of the world,
and revived.The Tokaido Shinkansen and the Tomei Expressway were completed for the
money that they borrowed from the World Bank!And what repaid all the money that Japan borrowed the thing of July, 1990.What postwar Japan recovers itself from poverty, and accomplished economic
development must never forget that this is because, in fact, there was
such much help! |
Thatofassistanceto carry outthe purpose ofthe developmentofdeveloping countriesthe
region is called the "ODA (official development assistance)." I thinkyoualsohave heardonceat schooland news. However, I think insurprisinglyfewpeople whoknowexactlywhat? |

It is the thing whichisan acronymof the Official Development Assistance (ODA). Theonesgiven todeveloping countriesorinternational organizationsby the
government, itis thatofcooperationbyfinancial and technicalofferto performinorder tohelp
improvethe developmentand welfareof theeconomy and societyofdeveloping
countries. |

ActivitiesofODAwill bedivided into tworoughly. One issupportthroughinternational organizations (= multilateral cooperation) and onesupportfor Japan todirect (= bilateral assistance).
Tohelpteach③technologyto raise the②moneylend①money, there area variety of waysassuch.

Japan thinks about a necessary thing to a state and the development situation
of the developing country and supports it.
In Japan, the amount of 10-year help from 1991 through 2000 was the first
place of the world.
However, it come second next to the United States in 2001 and become the
fifth place of the world next to the United States, the U.K. from 2007.
However, a country and the area where Japan helped by ODA so far are 185
countries, areas.In these countries, there are a lot of countries where
Japan becomes the greatest help country for the country.
Japan supported many countries.Then let's watch it what kind of support
is carried out in the world!
Support carried out in the world includes Millennium Development Goals.
The Millennium Development Goals, to integrate the international development
goals adopted at major international conferences and summit which was held
in the United Nations Millennium Declaration and 1990s, which was adopted
at the UN Millennium Summit in 2000, are summarized as a common framework
of one it is what was. When trying to help people who people around the
world are in trouble mutually cooperate more, it was decided to eight goals
by 2015.
Let's lose a hungry person who is poor
Let's go to the elementary school for children
Let's get rid of the difference of the man and woman
Let's protect baby and children
Let's protect mother
Let's prevent a disease
We take good care of nature, and let's make a living better
Let's help each other in all world |
The government of the country which joins the United Nations to achieve
this aim plays a key role, and a citizen's group, NGO, private enterprise
cooperates now an international organization. |
NANAの意見 |
Looks issues that do children of poverty problem that has been addressed
in the entire world. The proportion of people who suffer from poverty,
is on the decline. However, still more than a quarter of the world's population
is now also not be obtained sufficient income, can not buy food in a stable
manner, I think I must not forget that it is a status quo that. |
It is said that the policy that "there is" performed in Mexico
which is the poverty ratio first place in an OECD member nation receives
the evaluation that is high as a success example of the poverty reduction
from the global community. We introduce the policy here!
Cash payment program with the condition
At first a condition in this policy is that the use of money paid by a
low-income person is limited so that it is expended by education, the health
of the child. Therefore the payment object is selected as mother taking
the health of the family and is required to study the nourishment management
to mother, and the payment is canceled if mother does not let a child go
to school. Outside organizations such as NGО perform the effect of the
policy and the inspection of problems, and they examine a remedy.
In other words, not a symptomatic treatment to distribute money to merely
low-income person, and to relieve, it "is the cash payment program
with the condition" that treat illness of the poverty from the origin.This
program to work on personnel training to take the next generation on all
over the country begins in 1997, and approximately a quarter of the population seems to become the recipient
now.In 2009, the World Bank furnished it with 1,500 million dollars in acknowledgment
of the effect of this policy.
The important point to understand from this policy will be a point to wrestle
for personnel training carrying the next generation on not what merely
give a merely poor person money all over the country.
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