

Heart of Hospitality 〜O-MO-TE-NA-SHI〜

History <Edo era>

Fourth, Edo era is.

The manners and customs called "Omotenashi" spread out among the common people, and "Edo-Shigusa" took in shape in this era. As some representative things of "Edo-Shigusa", there are "kasakashige", "katahiki", "kobushi koshi ukase" and so on.

"Kasakashige" is that if you pass each other on narrow road on a rainy day, one of two people tilt the umbrella on the side opposite to the other person each other and it prevents rain hanging to the umbrella from hanging to the other.

"Katahiki" is that if you pass each other on narrow road, both of them pull their shoulder in order not to hit shoulders.

"Kobushi koshi ukase" is that if you sit on chaise longue, you sit close by floating your hip for a fist and sit down so that people as many as possible can sit down.

Today, anyone can think and act these three actions. Many other actions was created in Edo era, act and be transmitted orally.

Business is something to be thriving if it is possible to socializing well ."Edo-Shigusa" was created in order to prosper in business. It was spreaded to not only merchants but also common people.  "Edo-Shigusa" would say that socializing was the basic know-how for which could be good .

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