

Heart of Hospitality 〜O-MO-TE-NA-SHI〜

History <Asuka era>

First, this is the opinion that "Omotenashi" was begun in Asuka era by Shoutoku-Taishi.

It was the time when Shoutoku-Taishi held "Hanamatsuri" which people celebrated Buddha's birth on April 8th of the lunar calendar. They decorated Mido with various flowers and do the "Omotenashi" to Bddha who was an a initiator of the Buddhism. In addition, the Buddhism was handed down in Asuka era, and the Construction of 17 Articles which Shoutoku-Taishi made was influenced the Buddhism strongly. In the first part of the first article, "Harmony should be valued", he preached that people should value not own benefit but other person's heart and cooperativeness. He is not only a person who use the word "Omotenashi" but also a person who actually do the "Omotenashi".

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