This page was updated on January 6, 2017. Please note that the content may not be up-to-date.

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Hello! I am R. S. who made a page about the relationship between Japan and Russia.
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National Feeling Northern Territories dispute Relations between Russi and foreign countries

I explained about the above three items this time, could you understand?

From here, I will tell you my own opinion about the three items
(presidential election, national sentiment, base issue).
However, since this is the opinion of the individual alone, it is not a correct answer.
The most important thing is how you felt yourself.

  1. About Japan-Russia Relations

    Regarding the relationship between Japan and Russia, as I mentioned on the page of national feeling, I feel that anti-Japanese feeling is less compared to China and Korea, so I think that the relationship is not that bad so far.

    Nonetheless, we can not ignore the fact that there is no peace treaty and that we have the Northern Territories dispute. I want Japanese government to advance dialogue and economic cooperation to make relations a better one, as there is little emotion in Russia. Also, I think Russian President Vladimir Putin is a lover of judo as a big clue to improving relations.

  2. About Northern Territories dispute

    Regarding the Northern Territories dispute, I think that it is necessary to carefully discuss with Russia, and make it state that each other is consented. I want the Soviet Union (now: Russia) who robbed the Northern Territories during the period of confusion immediately after the acceptance of the Potsdam Declaration of Japan, should to return Northern Territories. However, I think that the theory that "returning because it is illegal" can not pass for lands deprived of war. Also, given the fact that 16 thousand Russian citizens already live in the Northern Territories and that it is an important place for Russian defense strategy, I think it is very difficult to return the Northern Territories. For the above reasons, the return of the Northern Territories is one of the processes to conclude the Peace Treaty, and I think that the highest priority in relation to Russia is the conclusion of the Peace Treaty. Also, I believe that it is necessary now to strengthen the relationship with Russia and to work closely with these two countries in cooperation with Japan, the Russian Federation and other countries, because now the relations with China and North Korea are shaken.

  3. Relationship between Russia and foreign countries

    Regarding relationship between Russia and foreign countries, I think that it is necessary to pay attention to the relationship between the United States and China.

    As introduced on the Japan - US relations page, the presidential election was held in the United States, Mr. Trump won. In response, Russian President Vladimir Putin is showing a welcoming attitude. Because it can be said that the influence of the two great powers of Russia and the United States on the world is great, depending on the movement of the United States and Russia it is possible that the problem between Japan and other countries will advance greatly towards to solution . As mentioned earlier, I think that it is necessary to cooperate with Japan, the Russia and Korea and other countries and pay close attention to China and North Korea.

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