・Leopard frog
In Japan, they are distributed in Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu, and in the
foreign territory, over China, Korea, the Russian shore.
A male is 38-80mm, and a female is approximately 63-94mm, and a female is bigger than a male. A hind leg is long, and a jump power is strong. The back skin is relatively smooth.
As for the color of the body, a male back is green or dark brown, and
a female is light gray. There are clear white or yellow lines on the back.
Black spots are on the back, and spots are often connected.
They eat living insects or spiders mainly, but eat small frogs, snakes
if they are greedy. In addition, they are turf-conscious and may often
eat one another when we keep them in the same container. The life in the
outdoors is 3-4 years.