

 ・Line shrimp

 A male is approximately 35mm, a female is approximately 50mm, a female is bigger than a male. There are blackish brown zone each body, and the Japanese name comes from the body, too. There are some differences in the size of the line design in individuals and areas. When it is alive, a body is approximately transparent, and the internal organs are transparent, but when it becomes in the critical condition, a body has muddy. In the point of the head, a feeler and five pairs of legs are slim, too. Two pairs of legs in front have scissors on the tip.
They are the kinds that geographical distribution is the widest for fresh water-related shrimps.They inhabit the fresh water area such as a river or the pond, but rarely inhabit the sea mingled with fresh water area.It may be used as a bait.
 They lie hidden in a bottom and the waterweed of the stone, the bush of the aquatic plant in the daytime and begin to work when it is night. They eat alga and the waterweed, but eating habit is almost flesh-eating. They eat aquatic insects and other small Crustacea, shellfish, various small animals including the earthworm. The big one may eat small fish such as the killifish.

 ・Minami freshwater shrimp

 A male is about 20mm, a female is smaller than Yamato shrimp with less than 30mm. 5 pairs of legs are short, two pairs in front have small scissors to tip. A whole body is semitransparent and hard to distinguish a young individual and the male individual from other shrimps. The color of the body of the female mature form has big variations, and there are brown and the green black individuals.
 They inhabit the place with many waterweeds of the calm river and pond of the flow. The construction such as dams narrows distribution level such as the Yamato shrimp, but become the place suitable for habitation for the Minami freshwater shrimp adversely.
 They eat alga, anything including corpse of creatures. They cannot attack the live small animals like Yamato shrimp. The life is approximately one year, and the female dies after having done one or several times of laying eggs.

 ・Yamato shrimp

  A male is 35mm, and a female is approximately 45mm, and the length of a female may exceed 50mm. A female is bigger, and a color of the body is dark, and the body is short and thick, too. Five pairs of legs are solidly built. Two pairs of the front are short, and there are small scissors on the tip.
 They inhabit the mountain stream of the basin and the middle basin on the river facing the sea. A larva falls down to the sea in the same way as a sweetfish and it grows up in the sea and climb the river against a going flow.
 The eating habit is omnivorous, and they eat alga, small animals, anything including the corpse of creatures. They begin to move in search of bait at night, but lie hidden behind underwater rock or waterweed, dead leaves in the daytime.

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