    Our happiness

The results of the questionnaire for students in Japan

 1Our happiness
 2-1Actual conditions survey of happiness
 2-2The results of the questionnaire for students in the world
 2-3The results of the questionnaire for students in Japan
 2-4The conclusion of the questionnaires
 3-1Our Ranking of happiness
 3-2The result of our ranking of happiness

 We conducted a questionnaire both in English and in Japanese to think about what happiness is to high school students.
There are the answers of the students in Japan.

The number of the students who answered the questions
Total 130persons(Men 39・Wonen 91)
Time with their family
Do you think you spend enough time with your family?

If you have a part time job, do you use your wages for school expenses?

Have you ever felt inequality close?

How economic wealthiness accounts for happiness
Are you happy as long as you are wealthy?

Do you think you have enough access to education?

The happiest moment in your life
When is the happiest moment in your life?
→ The moment when climbing into bed came first,
followed by eating and chatting with friends.

The unhappiest moment in your life
When is the unhappiest moment in your life?
→A lot of Japanese students seemed to face problems related to studying.

What you want the most right now
What do you want the most right now?
→Time came first, then came money and intelligence

How much do you depend on religion? (low 1 〜 10 high)
What you regret the most in your life so far
What is the thing you regret the most in your life so far?
→ Nearly 10 percent of the people answered they had no idea.

Whether you are happy or not
Are you happy right now?  unhappy 1 〜 happy 10
 What do you think about the results of the questionnaire?
Do you find some points which are similar to or different from Japan?
Looking at the totaled results of this questionnaire, the nationality of students varied, and we couldn't get many answers from each countries. We are going to continue spreading this questionnaire, and are planning to compare those data to Japan's and going to analyze them.

The results of the questionnaire for students in the world
The explanation of these indexes
The conclusion of the questionnaires


