Well...l understand that "Sustainable Coffee" is important for us but there are many kinds of languages, these are difficult ...!
OK, then let's organize these!
Coffee farmers faces to low income's working problems and environment problems.
Therefore, "Sustainable Coffee" appeared .
That means it can be sustain.
One of the "Sustainable Coffee" 's means, there are "Certified Coffee".
I wonder "Fairtrade Coffee" is one of "Certified Coffee".
That's right. I had explained that in
certified organization.(click here for more info )
Many groups are certified for fairtrade and famous.
Other than Fairtrade, there are certifications , forexample Rainforest Alliance, Organic Farming, UTZ and Bird Friendry.
l understood "Sustainable Coffee", what is "Ethical Coffee"?
Y"Ethical Coffee" is same means to "Sustainable Coffee".
However, I can't understand "sutain" or "ethical".
Yes. Because these wards are very abstract.
"Ethical" don't have previous definition.
Also, it is used as a advertisement or attract slogan.
And it walked alone, it makes us confused.
However, consumer showed some countermeasures.
England made a standard so-colled "Ethical Consumer" which measures "ethical rate" , and proved at companies, production and services in past 50,000 matters.
If these standard spread all over the world, and lead to solving problems.
In other countries , these standards is developing.
We have to spread all over the world.
"Ethical" don't have previous definition.
And this words walked alone, it makes us confused.
Therefore consumer showed some countermeasures in UK.
However these standards is developing in other countries.