
ProjectE > English > Tips
Japanese Version
For Kids

      This page was made by ProjectE. We are all concerned with Japanese Education.

     Toru Oka
      The coach of ProjectE. He is a elementary school teacher in Shodo isle, Kagawa pref. 

     Ayaka Nishizaki
     The illustrator of our team. She is a high school student in Shodo isle, Kagawa pref.

     Takayuki Matsuo
     The leader of the team. He has typed most of the contents and assembled them. He is also a high school student but in Yamagata pref.

     Yasutaka Moriya
     The critic of our team. He is a high school student in Yamagata pref.

     We reserve all the copy rights. All contents in this site are made by ProjectE, or allowed by the real author.

     We welcome links, if you mail us, we will usually link your page too.


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