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耳の仕組み  -Ear mechanism-●○Here, we will explain the mechanism of our ears !"Ears" attached to your body, from the time you were born. Ears are organs responsible for hearing and equilibrium. Let's see what kind of mechanism is listening to the sound here. First of all, please look at the figure below. This is a simplified version of the mechanism to convey sound from the ear to the brain. ( ※Click here for details → To external link ) External ear ・Auricle which plays a role of sound collector and outer ear hole ( both are made of cartilage ), It consists of an ear canal of 2.5 to 3 cm in length which becomes a sound transmitter, collects the sound and tells it to the middle ear. 〇Travel Tips : On the skin in the ear canal, Apocrine gland ( External ear gland ) there is. 〔1〕 Auricle … It has irregularities and plays a role of gathering sounds coming from various directions like an antenna. There are cartilage inside. 〔2〕Outer ear hole … It is a hole in the ear, and hair near the entrance is growing to prevent dust. 〔3〕External ear canal … It is a tunnel of about 2.5 - 3 cm from the auricle to the eardrum. Middle ear ・It has a role of changing the sound waves coming from the external auditory canal into bone vibration and transmitting it to the inner ear, consisting of the tympanic membrane, the tympanic chamber and the eustachian tube. ・In the tympanic chamber, there are three very small bones called ossicular bone, 【1】 Melleus attach to the eardrum, 【2】 Anvil 【3】 Stapes bridge the front yard and is connected to the inner ear . 〔1〕 Eardrum … A membrane with a thickness of 0.1 mm at the back of the ear canal. It is connected to Melleus. 〔2〕 Tympanus …Inside the eardrum, the space with the ossicles. 〔3〕 Ossicular …Three small bones of the Melleus, the Anvil, and the Stapes . Inner ear ・In the main part of the equilibrium sensory device in the temporal bone cone, Bone maze and Membrane maze it consists of. → Bone maze :It consists of a vestibule in the center, a cochlea forward, and a semicircular canal half in the back. → Membrane maze :It consists of a spherical capsule and ovarian capsule in the vestibule, a half - membrane tube in the half - skeletal canal, and a cochlear tube in the cochlea. 〇 Travel Tips : There is an equilibrium sensory organ in the vestibule and the half of the bone half, and the cochlear duct has A corti instrument which is a hearing instrument. 〔1〕 Cochlea … In a spiral tube of two turns and half, it is filled with Lymph fluid and a single tube called the cochlear duct goes through. Change the sound to a signal . 〔2〕 Vestibule … Where you feel head position, gravity, direct acceleration . 〔3〕 Semicircular canal … It is responsible for the sense of rotation of the body. ( There are three of the outer half, the latter half, and the first half regulation. ) 〔4〕 Vestibulocohlear nerve … It will tell our brain the sensation it have captured in semicircular Cochlea and Vestibule. 〔5〕 Cochlear nerve … It will inform the brain of the signals captured in the cochlea . Illustrated the structure of the ear Sonic waves collected by the Auricle , vibrate the Eardrum , after the strength of the sound is adjusted by the Ossicular , It is sent to the Cochlea in the inner ear . Replacing with the explanation of the figure, the vibration of the air changes shape to the motion of the ossicle solid vibration , it fills the inside of the cochlea and it can be changed to lymphatic vibration . The vibration is transformed into an electrical signal by the cortis of the cochlea and transmitted to the brain through the cochlear nerve. Apocrine gland→ Alias『 Great sweat gland 』 Two (one of the eccrine glands) one of the sweat glands of a person. It exists only in a specific part of the body and gives sweat which causes body odor. It has a special secretion that a part of the cell has broken and its fragments are mixed in the sweat. Here I will show you that you are forming earwax as an example.Corti instrument→ It is an organ present in the cochlear duct. Hair cells sense vibrations of the lymph, and excite the auditory cells to convey the stimulation of the sound .In this organ, the vibration of the sound is converted into an electrical signal, It is sent from the cochlear nerve to the auditory field in the cerebral temporal lobe . Lymph fluid→ It is also called lymph . It is made of plasma in the blood at the same time as tissue fluid .Contrary to the role of blood, I am working to recover waste products and viruses that have become unnecessary to the body and put them out of the body. It also flows through the lymph duct by movement of the muscles and is filtered by the liver, kidneys, etc . |